Darker color
This function makes a color darker.
You can enter the difference between the colors (default = 20).
function ColorDarken($color, $dif=20){
$color = str_replace('#', '', $color);
if (strlen($color) != 6){ return '000000'; }
$rgb = '';
for ($x=0;$x<3;$x++){
$c = hexdec(substr($color,(2*$x),2)) - $dif;
$c = ($c < 0) ? 0 : dechex($c);
$rgb .= (strlen($c) < 2) ? '0'.$c : $c;
return '#'.$rgb;
for ($x=1; $x < 20; $x++){
// Start color:
$c = ColorDarken('#FF481D', ($x * 3));
print "<div style='background-color: $c; color: $c; font-size: 50%; padding: 0px;'>.</div>\n";
Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/darker-color.htm
Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013