Daily changing random quotes

This example shows how to display a random quote that changes only daily, monthly or just every year. <br/> This is much better than quotes that change on every page load because it is search engine friendly and does not confuse the visitors.
function RandomQuoteByInterval($TimeBase, $QuotesArray){ // Make sure it is a integer $TimeBase = intval($TimeBase); // How many items are in the array? $ItemCount = count($QuotesArray); // By using the modulus operator we get a pseudo // random index position that is between zero and the // maximal value (ItemCount) $RandomIndexPos = ($TimeBase % $ItemCount); // Now return the random array element return $QuotesArray[$RandomIndexPos]; } //Example: // Use the day of the year to get a daily changing // quote changing (z = 0 till 365) $DayOfTheYear = date('z'); // You could also use: // --> date('m'); // Quote changes every month // --> date('h'); // Quote changes every hour // --> date('i'); // Quote changes every minute // Example array with some random quotes $RandomQuotes = array( 'No animals were harmed in the making of this snippet.', 'Nice snippets', 'The modulus operator rocks!', 'PHP is cool.' ); print RandomQuoteByInterval($DayOfTheYear, $RandomQuotes); // --> returns "PHP is cool." on September 25, 2007

Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/daily-random-quotes.htm

Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013