Unfreeze the windows GUI
This example shows how to react on user events if the windows GUI is blocked by a longer process.
// You need the Threading library to use the
// "Thread.Sleep" function
// using System.Threading;
// This boolean value can be used to stop the
// process below
bool UserHitCancel = false;
this.progressBar.Maximum = 100;
// Loop 100 times
for (int i = 0; (i < 100 && !UserHitCancel); i++)
// Update a progressbar or any other control
this.progressBar.Value = i;
// This function checks if the user fired any
// events, like clicks on a cancel button and
// allowes the application to react
// This tells the current thread to sleep for 50 milliseconds,
// so that the user can see the progress bar filling up
Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/csharp/unfreeze-the-windows-gui.htm
Language: C# | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013