A easy way to check the file size
Converts a string like "5 MB", or "400 KB" to the equivalent in Bytes.
function StringSizeToBytes($Size){
$Unit = strtolower($Size);
$Unit = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', '', $Unit);
$Value = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $Size));
$Units = array('b'=>0, 'kb'=>1, 'mb'=>2, 'gb'=>3, 'tb'=>4);
$Exponent = isset($Units[$Unit]) ? $Units[$Unit] : 0;
return ($Value * pow(1024, $Exponent));
// Example usage:
// Check if a file is bigger than 10 MB
if (filesize('example.zip') > StringSizeToBytes('10 MB')){
print 'File is to big !';
else {
print 'File is okay';
Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/string-size-to-bytes.htm
Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013