Miscellaneous things

miscellaneous short code snippets
// report all errors: error_reporting(E_ALL); // the full path to the current file print __FILE__; // print the current line print __LINE__; // print the current class name print __CLASS__; // print the current method name print __METHOD__; // the current directory print dirname(__FILE__); // directory separator of the current // system (windows = \ and linux = /) print DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // server variables: print $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; print $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // more: HTTP_REFERER, SCRIPT_NAME, SERVER_URL // output all: print_r($_SERVER); // constants: if (!defined('SOMETHING')) { define(SOMETHING, "foobar"); } print SOMETHING; // special syntax for long strings: // the variable goes till it finds // the closing word "EOF;" (it can also be renamed) $test =<<<EOF This is an example of an <b>long</b> variable. You can also put {$some_variables} in here :-) EOF; // ^ do not use any spaces in the line above (just "EOQ;") // sprintf usage: print sprintf("here you see var1: %s and var2: %s", $var1, $var2); // this function prints it's own name ("test"): function test(){ print __FUNCTION__; } // more reserved constants at: // http://de2.php.net/manual/en/reserved.constants.php

Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/misc.htm

Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013