
The iPhone has an accelerometer which can help you to detect phone movements and tilts. <br/> <br/> window.ondevicemotion = funcRef; <br/> Where funcRef is a reference to a function. This function receives a DeviceMotionEvent object describing the motion that occurred. <br/> <br/> HTML5
window.ondevicemotion = function(coords) { var accX = coords.acceleration.x; var accY = coords.acceleration.y; var accZ = coords.acceleration.z; // your code goes here }; /* * Example */ /* HTML CODE: <h3 id="shaker-title">Shake your Smartphone to switch images</h3> <p>Wont work on all Browsers</p> <img id="shaker-img" src="my-image-1" alt="" border="0"> */ var pos = 0; var lastAction = new Date(); var sensibility = 3; var minTime = 500; var images = [ 'my-image-1.jpg', 'my-image-2.jpg', 'my-image-3.jpg', ]; function shakeIt() { window.ondevicemotion = function(coords) { var accX = coords.acceleration.x; var time = new Date(); if (time-lastAction<minTime) return false; if (accX>=sensibility || accX<=-sensibility) { pos += accX > 0 ? 1 : -1; pos = pos > images.length-1 ? 0 : pos < 0 ? images.length-1 : pos; document.getElementById('shaker-title').innerHTML = pos+' - '+accX; document.getElementById('shaker-img').src=images[pos]; lastEvent=time; } } } shakeIt();

Url: http://www.medienservice-ladewig.de/Smartphone-Beschleunigungssensor-Javascript.2099932112.html

Language: JavaScript | User: Jörg | Created: Oct 25, 2013 | Tags: javascript iphone smartphone ondevicemotion event Accelerometer html5