Split Worksheets of an Excel Workbook to TIFF or PNG Formats in Cloud
This technical tip shows how developers can split worksheets of an Excel workbook to a separate workbook, TIFF, PNG or any supported image format in the cloud. This example allows you to split all or specific worksheets of a workbook file and save each worksheet as a new workbook, TIFF or any supported image format using Aspose.Cells for Cloud API in your applications. You can use our REST API with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. Some of the code samples are provided for the above languages.
//your code here...
//Please take a look over the following code snippet for Split all Worksheets to PNGs
AsposeApp::$appSID = "77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********";
AsposeApp::$appKey = "********************************";
AsposeApp::$outPutLocation = getcwd() . "/Output/";
//build URI to split
$strURI = 'http://api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/Sample.xlsx/split?format=png';
//sign URI
$signedURI = Utils::sign($strURI);
$responseStream = Utils::processCommand($signedURI, "POST", "", "");
$json = json_decode($responseStream);
//iterate through each document in the result to find output files
foreach ($json->Result->Documents as $splitSheet) {
$splitFileName = basename($splitSheet->link->Href);
//build URI to download split worksheets
$strURI = 'http://api.aspose.com/v1.1/storage/file/' . $splitFileName;
//sign URI
$signedURI = Utils::Sign($strURI);
$responseStream = Utils::processCommand($signedURI, "GET", "", "");
//save split slides
$outputFile = SaasposeApp::$OutPutLocation . $splitFileName;
Utils::saveFile($responseStream, $outputFile);
//Split selected worksheets to TIFFs
AsposeApp::$appSID = "77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********";
AsposeApp::$appKey = "********************************";
AsposeApp::$outPutLocation = getcwd() . "/Output/";
//build URI to split
$strURI = 'http://api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/Sample.xlsx/split?from=1&to=2&format=tiff';
//sign URI
$signedURI = Utils::sign($strURI);
$responseStream = Utils::processCommand($signedURI, "POST", "", "");
$json = json_decode($responseStream);
//iterate through each document in the result to find output files
foreach ($json->Result->Documents as $splitSheet) {
$splitFileName = basename($splitSheet->link->Href);
//build URI to download split worksheets
$strURI = 'http://api.aspose.com/v1.1/storage/file/' . $splitFileName;
//sign URI
$signedURI = Utils::Sign($strURI);
$responseStream = Utils::processCommand($signedURI, "GET", "", "");
//save split slides
$outputFile = SaasposeApp::$OutPutLocation . $splitFileName;
Utils::saveFile($responseStream, $outputFile);
Url: http://www.aspose.com/cloud/excel-api.aspx
Language: PHP | User: Sheraz Khan | Created: Feb 12, 2014 | Tags: Split Excel Workbooks in cloud, Worksheets of Workbook, all worksheets to PNGs, selected TIFFs, worksheet PNG, Working with Workbook cloud PNGs TIFFs PNG REST API