Create & Save an Appointment in Draft Mode inside Java Applications

This technical tip shows how Java developers can create and save an appointment in draft mode inside their own applications using Aspose.Email for Java. It can be useful to create an appointment request in draft mode, so that the basic information is added and then the same draft appointment can be forwarded to other users who might make changes. Aspose.Email for Java provides the flexibility to create and save an appointment in draft mode for later use. In order to save an appointment in draft mode, the Method property of the Appointment class should be set to Publish. The following code sample demonstrates the use of this property as an example.
//your code here...Create a Draft Appointment Request \ String sender = ""; String recipient = ""; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(sender, recipient, "", ""); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calendar.set(2012, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, 0, 0, 0); Date startDate = calendar.getTime(); calendar.set(2012, Calendar.DECEMBER, 1); Date endDate = calendar.getTime(); MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection(); attendees.add(new MailAddress("", "Attendee")); WeeklyRecurrencePattern expected = new WeeklyRecurrencePattern(3); Appointment app = new Appointment("Appointment Location", "Appointment Summary", "Appointment Description", startDate, endDate, new MailAddress("", "Organizer"), attendees, expected); //Set the Appointment as Draft app.setMethod(AppointmentMethodType.Publish);//.Method = AppointmentMethodType.Publish; message.addAlternateView(app.requestApointment()); MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.fromMailMessage(message); // Save the appointment as draft."Draft.msg"); //Draft Appointment Creation from Text //[Java] String ical = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\r\nPRODID:-//Aspose Ltd//iCalender Builder (v3.0)//EN\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nBEGIN:VEVENT\r\nATTENDEE;\r\nDTSTART:20130220T171439\r\nDTEND:20130220T174439\r\nDTSTAMP:20130220T161439Z\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\nEND:VCALENDAR"; String sender = ""; String recipient = ""; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(sender, recipient, "", ""); AlternateView av = AlternateView.createAlternateViewFromString(ical, new ContentType("text/calendar")); message.getAlternateViews().add(av); MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.fromMailMessage(message); // Save the appointment as draft."DraftAppointment.msg");


Language: Java | User: Sheraz Khan | Created: May 7, 2014 | Tags: create appointment request in java, Draft Appointment Creation from Text, draft mode, save an as draft, forward to users, Java outlook email component java Text mode , users