How to Insert Check Boxes or HTML into Word Docs during Mail Merge inside .NET A

This technical tip explains how developers can insert check boxes or HTML during mail merge. One of the important Aspose.Words features is the reporting (mail merge) engine. The mail merge engine takes a document on input, looks for MERGEFIELD fields in it and replaces them with data obtained from the data source. Normally, simple text and HTML is inserted, but a user asked if it is possible to generate a document where boolean data values are output as check box form fields. The answer is yes - it is possible and it is very easy, thanks to the ability to extend the mail merge process using event handlers. The MailMerge object provides the MergeField and MergeImageField event handlers.
//your code here...//[C# Code Sample] using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Aspose.Words; using Aspose.Words.Fields; using Aspose.Words.MailMerging; namespace MailMergeFormFields { /// <summary> /// This sample shows how to insert check boxes and text input form fields during mail merge into a document. /// </summary> class Program { /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> public static void Main(string[] args) { Program program = new Program(); program.Execute(); } private void Execute() { string exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string dataDir = new Uri(new Uri(exeDir), @"../../Data/").LocalPath; // Load the template document. Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Template.doc"); // Setup mail merge event handler to do the custom work. doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new HandleMergeField(); // This is the data for mail merge. String[] fieldNames = new String[] {"RecipientName", "SenderName", "FaxNumber", "PhoneNumber", "Subject", "Body", "Urgent", "ForReview", "PleaseComment"}; Object[] fieldValues = new Object[] {"Josh", "Jenny", "123456789", "", "Hello", "<b>HTML Body Test message 1</b>", true, false, true}; // Execute the mail merge. doc.MailMerge.Execute(fieldNames, fieldValues); // Save the finished document. doc.Save(dataDir + "Template Out.doc"); } private class HandleMergeField : IFieldMergingCallback { /// <summary> /// This handler is called for every mail merge field found in the document, /// for every record found in the data source. /// </summary> void IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e) { if (mBuilder == null) mBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(e.Document); // We decided that we want all boolean values to be output as check box form fields. if (e.FieldValue is bool) { // Move the "cursor" to the current merge field. mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName); // It is nice to give names to check boxes. Lets generate a name such as MyField21 or so. string checkBoxName = string.Format("{0}{1}", e.FieldName, e.RecordIndex); // Insert a check box. mBuilder.InsertCheckBox(checkBoxName, (bool)e.FieldValue, 0); // Nothing else to do for this field. return; } // We want to insert html during mail merge. if (e.FieldName == "Body") { mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName); mBuilder.InsertHtml((string)e.FieldValue); } // Another example, we want the Subject field to come out as text input form field. if (e.FieldName == "Subject") { mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName); string textInputName = string.Format("{0}{1}", e.FieldName, e.RecordIndex); mBuilder.InsertTextInput(textInputName, TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", (string)e.FieldValue, 0); } } void IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args) { // Do nothing. } private DocumentBuilder mBuilder; } } } //[VB.NET Code Sample] Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Reflection Imports Aspose.Words Imports Aspose.Words.Fields Imports Aspose.Words.MailMerging Namespace MailMergeFormFields ''' <summary> ''' This sample shows how to insert check boxes and text input form fields during mail merge into a document. ''' </summary> Friend Class Program ''' <summary> ''' The main entry point for the application. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) Dim program As New Program() program.Execute() End Sub Private Sub Execute() Dim exeDir As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar Dim dataDir As String = New Uri(New Uri(exeDir), "../../Data/").LocalPath ' Load the template document. Dim doc As New Document(dataDir & "Template.doc") ' Setup mail merge event handler to do the custom work. doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = New HandleMergeField() ' This is the data for mail merge. Dim fieldNames() As String = {"RecipientName", "SenderName", "FaxNumber", "PhoneNumber", "Subject", "Body", "Urgent", "ForReview", "PleaseComment"} Dim fieldValues() As Object = {"Josh", "Jenny", "123456789", "", "Hello", "<b>HTML Body Test message 1</b>", True, False, True} ' Execute the mail merge. doc.MailMerge.Execute(fieldNames, fieldValues) ' Save the finished document. doc.Save(dataDir & "Template Out.doc") End Sub Private Class HandleMergeField Implements IFieldMergingCallback ''' <summary> ''' This handler is called for every mail merge field found in the document, ''' for every record found in the data source. ''' </summary> Private Sub IFieldMergingCallback_FieldMerging(ByVal e As FieldMergingArgs) Implements IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging If mBuilder Is Nothing Then mBuilder = New DocumentBuilder(e.Document) End If ' We decided that we want all boolean values to be output as check box form fields. If TypeOf e.FieldValue Is Boolean Then ' Move the "cursor" to the current merge field. mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName) ' It is nice to give names to check boxes. Lets generate a name such as MyField21 or so. Dim checkBoxName As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", e.FieldName, e.RecordIndex) ' Insert a check box. mBuilder.InsertCheckBox(checkBoxName, CBool(e.FieldValue), 0) ' Nothing else to do for this field. Return End If ' We want to insert html during mail merge. If e.FieldName = "Body" Then mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName) mBuilder.InsertHtml(DirectCast(e.FieldValue, String)) End If ' Another example, we want the Subject field to come out as text input form field. If e.FieldName = "Subject" Then mBuilder.MoveToMergeField(e.FieldName) Dim textInputName As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", e.FieldName, e.RecordIndex) mBuilder.InsertTextInput(textInputName, TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", CStr(e.FieldValue), 0) End If End Sub Private Sub ImageFieldMerging(ByVal args As ImageFieldMergingArgs) Implements IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging ' Do nothing. End Sub Private mBuilder As DocumentBuilder End Class End Class End Namespace


Language: C# | User: Sheraz Khan | Created: Jan 13, 2016 | Tags: Insert Check Boxes During Mail Merge add HTML During Mail Merge Input Form Fields into Word Docs Insert text with formatting .NET Word Component Insert images from any custom storage