Similar text

Shows how to use the similar_text() function to compare similar words. <br/> It returns how similar the words are.
$word2compare = "stupid"; $words = array( 'stupid', 'stu and pid', 'hello', 'foobar', 'stpid', 'upid', 'stuuupid', 'sstuuupiiid', ); while(list($id, $str) = each($words)){ similar_text($str, $word2compare, $percent); print "Comparing '$word2compare' with '$str': "; print round($percent) . "%n"; } /* Results: Comparing 'stupid' with 'stupid': 100% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stu and pid': 71% Comparing 'stupid' with 'hello': 0% Comparing 'stupid' with 'foobar': 0% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stpid': 91% Comparing 'stupid' with 'upid': 80% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stuuupid': 86% Comparing 'stupid' with 'sstuuupiiid': 71% */


Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013