With this function you can convert a normal HEX-color (like #FF00FF) into it's RGB values (Array(179,218,245)).
function Hex2RGB($color){ $color = str_replace('#', '', $color); if (strlen($color) != 6){ return array(0,0,0); } $rgb = array(); for ($x=0;$x<3;$x++){ $rgb[$x] = hexdec(substr($color,(2*$x),2)); } return $rgb; } // Example usage: print_r(Hex2RGB('#B3DAF5')); /* Returns an array (R,G,B): Array ( [0] => 179 [1] => 218 [2] => 245 ) */ // Another cool way to define RGB colors with // Hex values: (like #B3DAF5) $rgb = array(0xB3, 0xDA, 0xF5); print_r($rgb); /* output: Array ( [0] => 179 [1] => 218 [2] => 245 ) */

Url: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/hex2rgb.htm

Language: PHP | User: ShareMySnippets | Created: Oct 16, 2013